Learning in Motion: Incorporating Movement to Facilitate Learning and Engagement
From Martha Snyder
From Martha Snyder
Presenter: Christi M. Navarro, Ph.D., M.S., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
Link to slide deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGECST0i6M/S_Y--joNUWWfnn9cWBKLRg/view?utm_content=DAGECST0i6M&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Traditional classrooms often confine students to desks, promoting sedentary behaviors that can harm health and hinder focus. However, integrating movement into learning offers numerous advantages beyond academic achievement, spanning neurological, physiological, and mental health benefits. This session explores dynamic learning experiences at the intersection of movement and collaborative learning, demonstrating practical and fun strategies for both educators and learners. Participants will learn strategies to incorporate movement into the classroom through collaborative learning strategies. The presenter will showcase three different strategies used in college courses: concentric circles, jigsaw, and speed “dating.” Specific assignments used with each strategy will be discussed, providing practical insights for implementation. Participants are encouraged to bring a current assignment from their course to discuss opportunities to integrate movement. The session will culminate in an interactive Q&A and discussion, enabling participants to address questions and share their experiences. The session aims to empower educators to foster physical activity and engaging learning environments.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
Recognize the positive impact of movement and collaborative learning on student engagement.
Give examples of three collaborative learning strategies.
Evaluate these strategies for appropriateness for creating movement in their own classrooms.